Learning Management System (LMS)

Last update: December 16th, 2022

All of our courses are stored and presented in the Learning Management System (LMS).

Visit Learning Management System

You can visit our Learning Management System (LMS) by doing one of the followings:

  1. Type https://lms.sampleacademy.org/ in your web browser.
  2. Click on LMS on the menu of Sample Academy website, then click on Log In & Sign Up button.

You need a SamplEdu / Sample Academy Central Authentication Service (CAS) account to access our Learning Management System (LMS). If you do not have a SamplEdu / Sample Academy CAS account, you need to register an account (directly from Step 3) first.


New Profile

If it is your first time entering our Learning Management System (LMS), you must fill in the blanks of Surname and First name in your profile. Otherwise, you cannot use our Learning Management System (LMS). It is better to use the surname and first name you filled in when registering your Central Authentication Service (CAS) account, but you can use any surname and first name you want here in the Learning Management System (LMS). You can also change the surname and first name in the Learning Management System (LMS) any time in the future.

Edit Profile

In order to edit your profile, just click on your avatar on the top right corner, then click on Profile. After that, click on Edit profile in the User details block.


We provide four languages in our Learning Management System (LMS), which are English, Русский, 正體中文, and 简体中文. Our default language is English, but you can change it to your preferred language. You can achieve this by doing the followings:

  1. Click on your avatar on the top right corner, then click on Preferences. After that, click on Preferred language in the User account block. Finally, choose your preferred language and click on Save changes
  2. Click on your avatar on the top right corner, then click on Language. After that, click on your preferred language.

Register / Unregister Courses

  1. Register Courses
  2. There are two ways to register courses. You can register courses by doing one of the followings:

    1. Visit https://www.sampleacademy.org/courses/ or click on Courses on the menu of Sample Academy website. Then click on Enroll / Enter button right under the course you want to register. Finally, click on Enrol me.

    2. Click on Register courses on the top of our Learning Management System (LMS). Then click on Enroll / Enter button right under the course you want to register. Finally, click on Enrol me.

    After registering a course, you will see it in My courses in our Learning Management System (LMS). When you want to access a course, just go to My courses and click on the course's title.

  3. Unregister Courses
  4. You can unregister courses by doing the following:

    Click on My courses on the top of our Learning Management System (LMS). Then click on the course's title. After that, click on More under the course title and click on Unenrol me from (course title). Finally, click on Continue.

    You can register a course again if you unregister it accidentally.